New meeting location!
St. John's United Methodist Church
Brookside Hall
6900 Ward Parkway, KC, MO 64113

About Us
The Fiber Guild of Greater Kansas City was organized in 1975 to promote creative fiber arts and to support the local fiber arts community. Guild members include weavers, spinners, knitters, quilters, bead artists and others with diverse fiber interests. Members have a wide range of backgrounds and skill levels and are generally located in the Kansas City area.
Through lectures, workshops, study groups and retreats, The Fiber Guild of Greater Kansas City provides a rich resource of information, instruction and inspiration related to the various fiber arts and crafts.
The Fiber Guild of Greater Kansas City meets at the St. John's United Methodist Church - Brookside Hall
6900 Ward Parkway, KC, MO 64113 on the second Wednesday of every month from 7-9 pm.
2025 Board Members
President - Chantilly Lovelace
Vice-President - Sherri McNish
Secretary- Rhonda Amos
Treasurer - Teri Plemel
2025 Committee Chairpersons
Creative Hand Show and Sale - Jamie Root
Equipment Manager and Librarian - OPEN
KAWS Representative - Leslie McLaughlin
Mentorship Program - Available
Newsletter - Christine Long Derks
Outreach - Chantilly Lovelace
Scholarship Program - Jamie Root
Website - Teri Plemel